I've got a healthy interest in virtual reference, or digital reference, or chat reference, or IM in libraries, or whatever other synonym anyone's used for "computer-based library reference services" (yet another synonym!). Over the last few years I've played with Docutek's software, various email reference services, almost all the mainstream instant messengers (AIM, MSN, ICQ, Y!M, etc.), and I've at least glanced at others like Rakim and Trillian and Gaim.So, after all this exposure to these various and sundry "computer-based library reference services", what have I learned? That I could be making a damn sight more cash as a software developer than as a librarian!
Why hasn't anyone combined the functionality of all these different types of VR? Here's my charge to anyone with more software development skills than me. Create the all-inclusive library reference software! It should include:
- All the IM variants in an agregated view like Trillian.
- A Docutek-like feature with full co-browse functionality, page pushing, chat etc.
- Email tracking (like Docutek's)
- Phone reference question tracking (maybe).
- In person reference question tracking (if you're feeling ambitious).
It would also generate meaningful statistics, and save transcripts of all digital interactions. So, library software developers, the proverbial ball is in your court. Serve it back with the