Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Library Thing's Efficacy in Libraries

I'd been thinking of an application like this since I heard about Library Thing. Though this will only work with new books, what a great prelude/appetizer for the new RSS-ready OPAC's like III.

Friday, September 01, 2006

I'm back baby!

Dang, it's been a while since my last post. I'm still kickin', and not to sound like a broken record...I missed teaching so much!

Taught my first group of students this week at the new job (Statistics Graduate students). I hadn't realized how much I missed it!

Library Signs

This has been just about blogged to death this week, but I must weigh in. I'm not particuarly fond of library signage simply because most of it is boring which just confirms some patrons' views of the "boring" library.

But these signs are awesome! Witty, eye catching, and practical. I especially like the door knob hanger (which could be distributed in the dorms).