Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Check this out! It's a small step in the fight for our civil informational rights in the "land of the free." Granted, it does not reverse the parts of the Patriot Act concerned with internet usage history, but at least one's reading may not be monitored/tracked.

If this Act hadn't been passed in a fit of passionate (but understandable) zealousness, maybe some of its content would have raised eyebrows four years ago.

Ironically, a representative from Florida stated, "If there are terrorists in libraries studying how to fly planes, how to put together biological weapons, how to put together chemical weapons, nuclear weapons ... we have to have an avenue through the federal court system so that we can stop the attack before it occurs."

Yes, good idea. Stop the attack before it occurs. Use law enforcement and the traditional, tried and true court system to obtain search warrants, but don't turn college chemistry students into terroists. I love this country because I am free to research/read about any topic I desire...I think that makes me a patriot, not a terrorist.

Just another reason for me to want to get out of this backward State ASAP! I need a job in Pittsburgh, please!


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