Monday, October 17, 2005

Visual Search Results

Ok, yet another article about changing attitudes of college students, but this one actually recommends some change. I particuarly like the idea of changing the way search results display (Incorporating Visual Clues). As a "net gen", I love the way search engines like Vivisimo cluster search results so why can't d.b.'s do the same?

Assimilating interactive library pathfinders in course management systems like Blackboard or WebCT is also a super duper idea.

Yet another point made in this article:
"they (librarians) were slow to adopt chat and sometimes developed sophisticated but complex chat software rather than the simpler systems typically used by Net Gen students."
Yes, let's reanalyze Docutek and similar chat reference systems. Are these clunky systems really so great? Could we be reaching more students by simply using freeware I.M. aggregators like Trillian? I proclaim, yes!


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